Organizations We Support
- “ Warrior 196 Memorial 5K Run/Walk”– High School Scholarship Program- Rosemount, MN
- “Quilts of Valor” – This organization makes hand made quilts for soldiers with multiple deployments. Hastings, MN
- “Believet” – A canine support training program for soldiers suffering from PTSD and other physical disabilities. Northfield, MN
- The Farmington Yellow Ribbon Cookie Walk
- Rosemount Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Annual Golf Tournament
- Farmington Area Veterans Memorial
And as always, we answer requests from soldiers, their families, and mail individual packages to soldiers serving overseas on deployments.
If you know someone who is deployed please email us at [email protected] and we would be happy to say thank you by sending them “A Little Bit of Home”
The Support Our Troops Haunted House Organization is more than just a Haunted House... Below are just a few examples of our impact in the community. These are NOT in order by year.
The Support Our Troops Haunted House Organization is more than just a Haunted House... Below are just a few examples of our impact in the community. These are NOT in order by year.
upport Our Troops Haunted House
This was where it all started: The Haunt was an annual event at the 4H Building on the Dakota County Fairgrounds. This photo was from our last year (2019). After 19 years, this event has been retired. We would like to thank all our volunteers over the 17 years we hosted the Haunted House, first at the Beyl family farm, from 2003 -2007, and then at the 4-H Building on the Dakota County Fairgrounds from 2008-2019. The Farmington Area Veterans Memorial - This is an ongoing project. This has probably been our largest, single, onging project to date. The Support Our Troops Haunted House provided the seed money and the 501c3 to get this project underway, along with contributing over $30,000.00. We continue to support the memorial by funding pavers for those who cannot pay for one themselves, purchasing the flowers that decorate the memorial and supplying the funds necessary to replace the memorial flags as needed. We continue our support for this group. Treats for the Troops (Annual) Packing event December We have been working with the Armed Forces Service center for over 15 years. What started as a small packing event (250 bags) and grew to 2,000 bags at the height of the war. With the onset of Covid 19 in 2020 we were unable to gather and pack bags as a group, but did not give up our mission to support our soldiers. We did this by helping the Armed Forces Service Center at the Minneapolis International Airport welcome the returning troops home during the Holiday season. 1,000 boxes of candy are delivered annually to the Armed Forces Service Center and distributed to returning soldiers traveling during the holidays. We have been hosting this packing event for 12 years. We are there to support them with a candy donation on an as needed basis during other times of the year. Annual Convoy for Mollie The Mahowald Family hosts an Annual "Convoy For Mollie" in memory of their daughter Mollie; who was tragically killed by a drunk driver in New Market, MN in 2016. Mollie was one of the recipients of our HH boxes, and the Mahowald family were members of the Haunted House group. This annual event held in September, honors Molly, and other soldiers who lost their lives in service to our country. The date for the 2024 Convoy is September 30th. Search "Convoy for Mollie" on Facebook for more details. Support for Santa-December “Support For Santa” – Is an annual (our 10th year) Support Our Troops Haunted House Activity, sponsoring military families in need. This year we sponsored 8 military families which included adults as well as children. Several members of our group each take the Christmas list of a child/adult and shop, wrap and deliver the packages back to a collection point. They are then delivered to the respective Armory to be delivered to the families in time for Christmas. Items delivered included toys, clothing, bedding supplies and gift cards for food items. Toys for Town (Annual Event) As a way of saying thank you to a community who supported us for so many years we participate in the "Toys for Town" program. In 2021 we purchased $1,500.00 in toys to be distributed to children in our community. The toys were dropped off at the Thrivent Office (now Landmark) in Farmington. Covid paused this activity in 2022 but we were back to this in 2023. Supply the Future school supplies for Military Kids. We purchased back to school supplies for military kids in 2024. This idea came to us from something we had previously participated in. I In 2006 the Minnesota National Guard had a project in Iraq named "Supply The Future". That year we made up 200 2 gallon bags containing school supplies and shipped them to Iraq to be distributed to Iraqi students by the MN National Guard. Hearts for Heros “Hearts for Heroes” – An annual Support Our Troops Haunted House Activity. In 2021 we were unable to pack our Valentine Bags at the Farmington Expo this year so instead 400 Boxes of candy were delivered to the Armed Forces Service Center at the Mpls Airport and distributed to troops returning home. We continue to supply candy boxes to the Armed Forces Service Center as needed for troops returning home. Spring cleaning buckets & Planting Baskets Cleaning buckets were donated for those who would like to get a head start on their spring cleaning. Pots with gardening gloves and tools for the garden complete with seeds and dirt were also dropped off along with an assortment of toys for the kids to keep them busy while mom and dad are working including, bubbles, kites, and squirt guns. April-2023 Medical personnel from all over the United States gathered in July near the Cass Lake Reservation to provide medical services to people living in that area as part of a joint training activity. Army reserve personnel as well as National Guard members participated. Each participant received a SWAG bag as a thank you. The SOTHH provided some of items used in the bags, along with the bags. The Brosam Family Fundraiser (2022) Members of the Support Our Troops Haunted House group are pictured with the Brosam Family. Grant Beyl, presented the familly with a check for $1,000 to assist them in recovering from a fire that took everything. This fundraising event was hosted by the Rosemount Yellow Ribbon group. Staff Appreciation Week at the VA Hospital 2022 Randy Nicoll accepts a check for $3,000 to purchase items for a packing event. The volunteers gathered at the Farmington VFW, where the bags were packed, then distributed to staff working at the VA hospital in Minneapolis as a thank you for all they do, their continued service and the care they give our veterans, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. Joseph G. Marthaler Memorial Bridge Dedication September 12, 2021 The Support Our Troops Haunted House was approached by a member of the Marthaler family requesting money to pay for memorial signs honoring a member of their family who was killed in WWII. The Haunted House provided the $2,000.00 to pay for the signs and installment. Hastings Veterans Home Assistance December 2021 Germaine Beyl presents Sue Register (Hastings Veterans Home) with a new commputer to replace one that was damaged. The SOTHH group also replenished much needed hygiene supplies for all of the residents living at the veterans home. We are hoping to reconnect with the Veterans Home for 2023. Shop for a Veteran 2021 Members of the Support Our Troops Haunted House organization sponsored 8 soldiers from the Hastings Veterans Home, purchasing gifts for the Veterans, making their holiday a little brighter. We are hoping to reach more Veterans in 2023 Shoes for Africa - 2020 We received a request from a soldier who was deployed to Africa for shoes for the little children in a village he was stationed by. We were touched by this soldiers request. The Haunted House provided funds to help purchase the shoes and paid for the postage to get them there. No request is too small! If you know someone who is deployed, please send us their information and we would be happy to send them a box of treats. We do not share your information with anyone. If you are interested in seeing more of what we do, look for us on Facebook: house/photos_albums for more photos of our current or past projects. |
There are many more individuals/events that we contribute to or sponsor throughout the year. If you know of someone who IS deployed or WILL be deployed, fill out the form found under "submit your soldier," email us at [email protected], or find us on Facebook and request a package. Otherwise, if you know of someone who could benefit from our services, please have them contact us.
We look forward to seeing all of you at the:
2024 All Hallows Costume/Dance Party Fundraiser for the Troops
The date for the Gala is set for
October 26 th at the
Grand Event Center in Northfield, MN
More information on this event will be posted at a later date.
We look forward to seeing all of you at the:
2024 All Hallows Costume/Dance Party Fundraiser for the Troops
The date for the Gala is set for
October 26 th at the
Grand Event Center in Northfield, MN
More information on this event will be posted at a later date.